NPK 15-6-19+10S+TE
NPK 15-6-19+10S+TE

NPK 15-6-19+10S+TE

NPK VIỆT NHẬT 15-6-19+10S+TE

Net weight: 50 kg

Expiry date: 48 months

Certificate No.: 1559/QĐ-BVTV-PB

Product code: 04527

Produced by Japan Vietnam Fertilizer Company

Address: Go Dau Industrial Zone, Phuoc Thai Village, Long Thanh District, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam

  • Sku.
  • Element

    Total Nitrogen (T-N): 15%

    Available Phosphorus (A-P2O5): 6%

    Available Potash (A-K2O): 19%

    Sulfur (S): 13%

    Boron (B): 466 ppm

    Zinc (Zn): 800 ppm

    Moisture: 2%


Specialized NPK for Sugarcane

- Top-dressing: 300 - 400 kg/ha/time

Please contact us or our official dealers for further recommendations and instructions of suitable formulas and application methods for your crops.

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