Workshop “NPK Viet Nhat Fertilizers Improve Production Efficiency and Competitive Ability of Sugarcane”

27/09/2018, 08:15 AM
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In the morning of September 27, 2018, Quang Ngai Sugar JSC (QNS) coordinated with Japan Vietnam Fertilizer Company (JVF) to hold a workshop “NPK Viet Nhat Fertilizers Improve Production Efficiency and Competitive Ability of Sugarcane at Material Areas of An Khe Sugar Factory in 2018”.


The workshop view

There were more than 300 sugarcane farmers from Gia Lai and Binh Dinh provinces and representatives of relevant Departments at the material areas attended the workshop.

According to Mr. Nguyen Hoang Phuoc, Vice Director of An Khe Sugar Factory, since Vietnam joined the ATIGA, the Vietnamese sugar industry has been pressurized from severe competition. In the past two years, sugar price from VND15,000 – 16,000/kg reduced to VND9,500 – 10,000/kg. Meanwhile, An Khe factory drastically implemented mechanization and chemical and biological programs in the sugarcane cultivation in the material areas; thereby the average yield increased from 45-50 Mts/ha to 70-73 Mts/ha. However, that yield level, after deducting all costs of ploughing, planting, caring and harvest, brought farmers no profits.

The purpose of this Workshop is to introduce to sugarcane farmers in the material areas fertilizers suitable for sugarcane in soil types of East Gia Lai in order to reduce input costs.

“An Khe Sugar Factory has coordinated with Japan Vietnam Fertilizer Company since 2000, during this time, An Khe also coordinated with other fertilizer suppliers to make some demonstrations of their fertilizers for sugarcane but fertilizers of JVF have shown the best efficiency. Thus, farmers have chosen JVF products for long time. Every year, JVF makes soil analysis for 45 villages cultivating sugarcane in the East Gia Lai to know which nutrients soil is lacking, how pH is, etc. in order to improve fertilizer formulas that help to reduce applied quantity and input costs while stably increasing yield and quality, improving sugarcane’s competitive ability and farmers’ incomes”, said Mr. Nguyen Hoang Phuoc, Vice Director of An Khe Sugar Factory


Mr. Nguyen Hoang Phuoc, Vice Director of An Khe Sugar Factory, is speaking at the workshop

DINH THUNG (Nong Nghiep News)


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