Thanh Hoa: Efficiency of NPK Viet Nhat on Peanuts in the Spring Season 2016

13/05/2019, 15:16 PM
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In order to provide farmers with information of how to choose fertilizers suitable for their soil types so that they could save money while being able to improve productivity in the Spring season 2016, Thanh Hoa Agri-center coordinated with Japan Vietnam Fertilizer Company to perform a demonstration “NPK Việt Nhật 10-18-13+3S+3(Cao+MgO)+TE for peanut” in Nguyen Binh Village, Tinh Gia District with 4 hectares.
Representatives are visiting the demonstration of NPK Viet Nhat for peanut in Tinh Gia District, Thanh Hoa Province.
This demonstration plot was applied by NPK Việt Nhật 10-18-13+3S+3(Cao+MgO)+TE with the following dosages for each 500 m2:
  • Basal dressing before seeding: 23 quintals of manure + 15kg of Lime powder + 12kg of NPK Viet Nhat 10-18-13+3S+3(CaO+MgO)+TE;
  • Top dressing: 9kg of NPK Viet Nhat 10-18-13+3S+3(Cao+MgO)+TE;
Fertilizer dosages and application method of the control plot (for each 500 m2) were:
  • Basal dressing before seeding: 23 quintals of manure + 15kg of NPK 4-9-6 + 15kg of Lime powder;
  • 1st Top dressing: 3kg of Urea;
  • 2nd Top dressing: 78kg of Potash.
The result of the demo plot with NPK Viet Nhat shows that peanuts grew more strongly and healthily with strong stems, brighter and more beautiful green stems and leaves, faster branch development and more, bigger and filled beans than the control plot. In term of potential yield, the demo plot with NPK Viet Nhat has 17-19 filled beans/tree, bigger and heavier beans, and yield of 2.9 Mt/ha which is 0.5 Mt/ha higher than the control plot. After deducting all production costs, the economic efficiency of the demo plot with NPK Viet Nhat is higher the control plot VND8,136,000.
In conclusion, peanuts grow strongly, healthily with concentrated flower formation and big beans which can resist pests and diseases, especially spotted leave and root neck rot diseases and economic efficiency is higher than the control plot when using NPK Viet Nhat.
By THU HIEN (TTKN Thanh Hoa)
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