JVF and TTC Group Intensify Their Cooperation for Mutual Development

18/06/2016, 08:06 AM
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The market economy and the integration have strongly impacted on almost enterprises. Thus, the cooperation strategy for the mutual development has become an essential tendency to increase competitive ability and positions in the market.
As one of diversified corporation in Vietnam, TTC is currently operating in 5 main businesses: real estate, energy, sugar, education and tourism. With the rapid development both in scale and diversified products and services, TTC becomes a strategic partner of many companies in Vietnam.
In which, Japan Vietnam Fertilizer Company (JVF) has cooperated for 5 years and is one of high-quality fertilizer suppliers to TTC’s sugar factories.
JVF’s factory panorama
Together with the formation of TTC’s immense sugarcane fields in many provinces and actual demand of the market, JVF has researched new products suitable for each type of soil and each stage of crop growth and development in order to improve its NPK’s efficiency
Especially in 2011, JVF equipped a soil analyser and took hundreds of soil samples of main crop in many major areas to analyze, evaluate nutrient contents in soil, such as P2O5, K2O, S, CaO, MgO, organic matters, pH, etc. in order to recommend the most suitable dosages of fertilizers for each crop in each area. Thereby, applying suitable fertilizers not only improve yield and crop quality, prevent from pests and diseases, but also increase profits and Vietnamese agri-crop’s competitive ability by reducing costs.
Applying advanced technology, JVF is providing products which are friendly to the environment and safe to consumers’ health.
In the time before, JVF annually provided 5,000 – 7,000 Mts only, but now, JVF is providing 12,000 – 15,000 Mts/year for TTC’s sugar factories in Tay Ninh, Gia Lai, Khanh Hoa, etc.
Beside the provision of high-quality products, JVF is a trustable partner who always actively accompanies with TTC’s 2nd and 3rd Annual International Sugarcane Workshops and the 4th one recently was held in Dalat on August 19, 2016.
This is a workshop to introduce effective sugarcane farming models to cope with the climate change, and JVF brings solutions in sugarcane farming to help sugarcane to cope with the climate change through presentations on the results of fertilizer demonstration on sugarcane.
It can be said that, during the past 5 years, the cooperation relationship between JVF and TTC Group has continuously developed and expanded. This cooperation has brought not only the improvement of sugarcane yield and quality, the expansion of sugarcane cultivation area, but also the increase of profits for farmers. Especially in the trend of international integration, the cooperation to improve value chain of the sugar industry has been bringing great benefits towards the goal of sustainable development.
By AN TAM (Nong Nghiep News)
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